employment lawyers for employers

doing things differently

We provide employment advice for employers and owner-managers of SMEs as employment lawyers for employers in London.

We advise on everything from contracts and handbooks, taking on new staff, managing difficult issues, grievances, disciplinaries, redundancy and dismissal. In particular, we advise around avoiding and tackling discrimination, disability and ill health-related issues in the workplace.

employment lawyers for employers in London

As employment lawyers for employers in London, we provide pragmatic solutions and seek to avoid litigation unless absolutely necessary. We recognise that legal issues get in the way of business but also that looking after your people is vitally important. Employment Lawyers for businesses should provide you with the tools to manage your workforce safely and efficiently.

We get off the fence. We won’t just advise you: we will guide you and help you make the decisions you need and support you and your business at the same time. As solicitors for employers, we don’t just give legal advice – we partner with you so that any time you need us we are on the end of the phone.

what our clients say

specialist employment discrimination lawyers.

If you are seeking legal guidance regarding employment discrimination issues, get in touch with us today to book a free telephone assessment with our experts.

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