The House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee has launched an inquiry into issues surrounding the menopause in the workplace. The inquiry will examine existing discrimination legislation and workplace practices, to consider whether enough is being done to prevent women from leaving their jobs as a result of menopausal symptoms, or suffering other adverse consequences.
The inquiry will draw up recommendations with a view to shaping policies to address gender equality. These include the nature and the extent of discrimination faced by women experiencing the menopause at work and the impact on wider society, the economic impact of menopause discrimination and how businesses factor in the needs of employees affected, and how practices addressing discrimination relating to menopause in the workplace can be implemented.
Menopause discrimination would currently be covered under the Equality Act 2010 only if covered under the protected characteristics of age, sex and disability discrimination. The inquiry will consider whether further legislation is required to enable employers to put in place a workplace menopause policy to protect people going through the menopause while at work.
Submissions to the inquiry into menopause in the workplace can be made until 17 September 2021.
Women and Equalities Committee: Inquiry, Menopause and the workplace (23 July 2021)
MPs to examine lack of support for working menopausal women,, 23 July 2021
This blog was first published by Practical Law Company on 23 July 2021.
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